Membership Information


MN PIE welcomes the support of state and governmental agencies, as well as private individuals and corporations. Membership dollars support the mission of the MN PIE organization. There are 4 levels of support:

  • Sustaining Member - $1,500.00 or more—Entitled to voting privileges, committee participation, election to the board of directors; all company employees are eligible for reduced registration fees at MN PIE workshops and tours.

  • Supporting Member - $750.00 or more—Entitled to voting privileges, committee participation; election to the board of directors; up to twenty-five company employees are eligible for reduced registration fees at MN PIE workshops and field tours.

  • Voting Member - $400.00 or more—Entitled to voting privileges, committee participation, election to the board of directors; up to ten company employees are eligible for reduced registration fees at MN PIE workshops and tours.

  • Contributing Member - $200.00 or more—Entitled to voting privileges, committee participation;  One company employee is eligible for reduced registration fees at MN PIE workshops and field tours.

To become a member, please download, print and complete the Membership Application form and mail it to: MN PIE, PO BOX 282, Princeton, MN 55371 or email it to

Someone will call after the application is received to make arrangements to pay membership dues.